Why Counselling?
In our daily life we normally find it hard to share our difficulties with those around us, some common and valid reasons are: Fear of vulnerability-People may be afraid of being seen, and of being shamed, guilted, or negated for being vulnerable.  Fear of not being taken seriously-People may be worried that others won't take […]
Stress? Anxiety? Worry?
Stress Stress is a natural safety response or response to a challenge. Changes in brain chemistry make our heart pump faster, muscles tense and sweat as we get ready to act. Stress can: Make us feel nervous, angry, and frustrated. Have a positive effect. For example, it can encourage you to study for a test. Feel […]
Know your direction
Many of us experience times in our life when we are unsure on our direction and this can create discomfort. We are not sure about the person we want to be or why we behave in certain ways. Therapy can help us identify our values in different domains of our life such as parenting, relationships, […]
In psychology, suppression is the act of stopping yourself from thinking or feeling something. This is classed as long term avoidance. We all do this to some extent, and it is part of being human, however, if this becomes excessive then it is likely to become problematic. Moreover it is likely to  get in the […]
What is Toxic Resilience
Some examples of the cultural and societal message we receive when we are continually  feeling stressed or burnt out is 'tough it up' and or 'Be resilient'. The latest research has proven this message is toxic, we do not have an indefinite supply of resilience.If we are not careful our nervous systems and brains can […]

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